Friday, November 2, 2007

Don't Sweat It

Place one hand on your belly, breathe slowly and deeply, feel your hand rise and fall. Let your shoulders drop and feel your body relax and renew.

Try an experiment by doing this each hour in a day and see how it affects your day. Do it with a friend so you can remind each other.
Relaxation has a cumulative effect. If you include a brief period of relaxation into your daily schedule, your body’s ability to relax will increase.

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” Ghandi

Remember – you have choices when it comes to your anxiety. A well cared for body creates a relaxed mind. While you are here at college learning “the tools of your trade” you will need to learn how to care for yourself as well. Learn to eat and sleep well. Learn what relaxes you, what brings you pleasure. And learn to use substances wisely.

Remember as well – it’s ok to drop a course, end a relationship, let go of some commitments –all of these things can be done with gentleness. It’s when we tell ourselves we have no choice, no way out, that we create a sense of incredible anxiety or depression. Reach out for support and help if you feel you overwhelmed. You can find some good relaxation techniques at this site.

There is also a site on youtube. Just type in "relaxation" at the youtube site and you have the option of 3 minute, 5 minute, even 30 minute relaxations that are quite wonderful.

At this site look under “How to overcome test anxiety?”

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