Friday, December 14, 2007

Time to chill

Relax. A relaxed mind can maintain focus longer and remember better. If you felt stressed about assignments and exams, one of the best things you can do is teach your mind to relax. It only takes minutes.

Repeat a word or sound or phrase that has meaning for you (one, peace, om, relax). Gently disregard any thoughts that come to your mind and return to the repetitive focus.

Let some fresh air blow through your brain – head outside and walk vigorously for 5-10 minutes – don’t take your worries with you – focus on your breathing

Off for the holidays? Plan a day of no plans. Better still, try for a bit of time each day where you can do absolutely nothing. No TV, no computer, no friends, no tasks – just wander around with nothing to do!!!

It's a time to replenish your fuel so eat well, sleep well, rest well and be active. And well doesn't mean to excess! Moderation is liberation.

This site on youtube will guide you through a relaxation exercise.

At this site you can hear some radio interviews that explain mind training and at the bottom of the screen you can move to the videos for some more info.

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