Friday, October 19, 2007

Health Sexuality

I think it may be a sad comment on the state of our evolution that when we talk about healthy sexuality we usually mean how to avoid sickness and even death.

Healthy sexuality is more than protecting yourself from disease and pregnancy. These in themselves are extremely important issues. Also of great importance is developing an understanding of your own sexuality,how you function emotionally and knowing how to experience one of the great pleasures of our humanness without ignorance and shame.

Young students can be particularly vulnerable to unpleasant or even traumatic sexual experiences due to the use of alcohol and other substances. Using puts you at risk of making choices you would not usually make. Just a few moments of poor choice can create a lifetime of consequences. You also miss the exquisite experience when you are not fully present due to altered consciousness.

This website offers a really interesting discussion of the many facets of sexuality exploring more than just sexual feelings and sexual intercourse. It speaks to issues of body image, sensuality and how we view ourselves in our gender roles.

Loyalist College is a Rainbow positive college. Rainbow community includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, two-spirited and any other alternative you can think of as well as their allies. We have a weekly drop in group and an on-line Rainbow Message Board. For access info to either connect with Valerie in Mind and Wellness Services in the Student Hub or email her at

This is a great site with quizzes, virtual scenarios and the sex-fu challenge (a video game that challenges your sex knowledge)
The site offers a demo on using condoms as well as info on how to make a dental dam out of a condom. It has loads of other useful, up-to-date, down to earth, real life info.

Specifically addressing gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans, queer, etc.

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