Friday, January 25, 2008

'Tis a Gift to be Simple'

Healthy self, healthy community, healthy world.

Ever feel like you don't really matter in the big scheme of things. Well you do - each choice you make has an impact and that puts a lot of power in your hands. You are of major importance to the health of this planet. How you treat yourself and your surroundings has an impact.

Here are a few very simple ideas for making some powerful choices

1.Turn off – anything that you are not using.

2.Reduce-when you shop for your groceries, look for items that use less packaging

3.You will use a lot of paper this year at school. Try to be mindful – use both sides – use recycled paper in your printer when you can.

4.Recycling is a powerful habit. Loyalist now offer you lots of opportunities to recycle with many receptacles throughout the halls.

5.If you are finished with certain items or clothing, trade with friends. You don’t have to always buy new.

6.Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth or shaving.
7.Reuse your plastic grocery bags or buy a few snappy cloth bags at the second hand stores to cart your groceries home in.

7.Practice kindness – to yourself, others and the planet you live on.

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